This study was carried out to examine the strategies for enhancing finanacial accountability in the local government system in Nigeria using Ikwo local government area, Ebonyi state as a case study. Specifically, the study was aimed at ascertaining the step taken, when inefficiency is dictated I the internal control system and to know the effect on accountability of the organization; To know whether there is a system of adequate authorization and recording to provide reasonable accounting control over assets, liabilities, revenue and expenditures; To ascertain whether there is adequate division or segregation of duties at various levels of management in the organization; To understand a critical appraisal of the system generally and suggest solutions where the system is find ineffective; To suggest ways of enhancing early detection of mistakes, deliberate misappropriation, checks collusion, fraud or embezzlement of funds. The study employed the survey descriptive research design. A total of 40 responses were validated from the survey. From the responses obtained and analysed, the findings revealed thateffective internal control system enhances financial accountability; Ikwo local government has being maintaining adequate division or segregation of duties at various levels of management; Ikwo local government maintained adequate authorization and recording to provide reasonable accounting control over assets and liabilities, revenue and expenditure; effective internal control system can eliminate fraud and enhance prudent allocation of an organization resources; effective internal control system do enhance early detection of mistakes, deliberate misappropriation, fraud and/or embezzlement of management fund. The study recommend Strong internal control measures should be instituted in all local governments on the following principles-segregation of duties, authorization procedure, documentation procedure, accounting records, physical control, and independent internal verification; for proper control and monitoring of local government finances.